UNLOCK the Ultimate Secret Formula to Winning Lucrative Government Contracts in JUST


Anyone Can Earn A Federal Award, REGARDLESS of Their Experience Level!

Don't Just Take MY WORD For It...

Discover the EXACT Proven Strategy That Helped Me Secure Over $500K in Federal Government Contracts in 2023

Eliminate the Roadblocks:

No Additional Schooling Required

I didn't have to go back to school for another four years to understand the ins and outs of government contracting.

No Massive Financial Investment

I didn't need to dig up a pot of gold to learn how to submit bids and secure contracts.

No Prior Experience Necessary

I discovered that you don't need years of prior experience in government contracting to be successful.

No Complex Certifications Needed

I found that it's possible to succeed without chasing after numerous complex and time-consuming certifications.

No Endless Networking

I realized I didn't have to attend countless networking events and conferences to get my foot in the door

No Advanced Technical Skills Required

I learned that you don't need to be a tech wizard or have advanced technical skills to navigate the government contracting process effectively.

I'm positive you've given them all a try with no luck, just like me!

That's not where you'll discover financial freedom or the 6-figure income you dream of...

Hi, I'm GovCon Lashawn

And I used to be just like you…

Struggling to find consistent income, endlessly researching and watching videos, thinking I was making progress.

Working for “the man” five days a week, only to get a paycheck that barely covered bills, food, and basic living expenses. I battled procrastination and felt overwhelmed, not knowing where to go or who to listen to...

I wanted to do more, be more, and achieve more, but in a world where every other guru is selling the next "magic pill" that promises overnight success, it’s hard to know who to trust.

But if there was one thing I knew for certain, it was that there was more to life out there for me, and I was determined to find it.

And, as I’m sure you’ve already guessed from the title, I did.

But You Will Be Able to Find The EXACT Answers Here


This Bootcamp Is For People Who Are Fed Up With NOT Winning Awards

  • For those that are tired of empty promises and want real, actionable steps to secure government contracts.
  • For those that feel overwhelmed by the complexity of the government contracting process and need a clear, step-by-step guide.
  • For those that are ready to break free from the cycle of underachievement and don't need the full A to Z, you need TRUE steps.

Is That YOU?

If so, I am excited to share the ONLY BOOTCAMP that can truly transform everything for you! Dive into this simple, step-by-step experience I've crafted to support you on your journey...

Here's What's Included:

This Bootcamp Includes:

Day 1: The Foundation of Success

  • Shopping for Solicitations: Learn how to identify and select the right government solicitations that align with your business capabilities.
  • Red Flags to Be Mindful Of: Discover potential pitfalls to avoid, ensuring you focus on what truly matters.
  • Subcontractor Conversations and Preparations: Master the art of engaging and preparing subcontractors to meet government requirements effectively.

Day 2: Winning Contracts and Staying Organized

  • Putting Together the Bid: Learn the step-by-step process of assembling a compelling and compliant bid submission.
  • Creating a Rhythm for Consistency: Develop a consistent approach to bid submissions to increase your win rate and streamline your operations.
  • Bonus: Access to the Private FB Group: Join our special Facebook group to connect with other course participants, share experiences, ask questions, and receive ongoing support, Continued Education, and updates from experts.

Check Out What Others Are Saying!

"I wanted to drop by and let yall know the tea here with Lashawn. Bottom line shes DOPE!! Very relatable and a true sweetie. Just off her tik toks and youtube vids alone I have found myself being very productive... more than I have before finding her. Her steps are real simple and easy to digest. Even my young teenager can follow her instruction. She gets straight to the point. None of the antics and abracadabras. Give her a shot! You wont be disappointed. Promise xoxo"

-LaMeka B.

Lashawn!!!! I just want to thank you so much! Your mentorship has been extremely beneficial! Within just 4 short weeks the information that you provided has been so helpful and has helped us revamp our process! I am looking forward to submitting more bids using the tools that you have given! Thank you again!

-Jasmine R.

"Lashawn is the real deal! Her content is easy to understand. She simplifies the material without complicating it with unnecessary jargon.

On our consultation call, she offered encouragement & directions on how to K.I. S. S. (Keep it Simple Strategies). Also, stop overthinking & cease analysis paralysis!

Lashawn is compassionate and very thorough in her coaching methods compared to numerous others in government contracting. I know this because I’ve paid for: other courses as well as participated in several five day challenges.

By the way, Lashawn is compassionate about helping others because she definitely gives away a lot of free gems on her videos! Lashawn thanks again for all your teachings, support and encouragement. Blessings!"

-Wanda J.

"I recently got into on government contracting and I was thoroughly impressed. She made complex concepts easy to understand, which was incredibly helpful. Additionally, her free gems on TikTok and YouTube provided valuable insights and practical tips. Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to navigate the world of government contracting!"

-Kim P.

"Lashawn is detailed and easy to converse with. She answered all of my questions and challenged me to level up with government contracting. I’ve joined her challenge on FaceBook for accountability. Thank you LaShawn!"

-Alexis W.

"She is definitely solid. Get the training you won't regret it!!!"

-Antoine C.

Here's "The Real Deal", No Fluff

Success Takes Time

Government contracting is a long game that requires patience and persistence. Success won't come overnight; it takes time to learn. Stay committed, and don’t expect quick wins.

Rejection Is Part of the Process

You'll face rejection, and that's okay. Not every bid will win. Use rejections as learning opportunities to refine your approach. Persistence and improvement are essential.

Organization Is Essential

You can't wing it. Government contracting demands high organization and attention to detail. A robust system is crucial for success to Plug and Play.

But You Have 2 Options:

Option 1: Forget This Exists

You could ignore this Bootcamp and continue in Youtube University, struggling in silence, feeling unfulfilled with your life.

The freedom to pursue your passions would remain out of reach, and you'd be stuck in your 9 to 5, leaving your future and paycheck in someone else's hands.

But I know that's not what you want. You're still here, reading this, because you're looking for a way to transform your life.

There is a much better option for you.

Option 2: Dive In, Take Action, & Transform Your Life for the Better!

Your second option offers the BEST possible chance at success and helps you avoid all the confusing, time-consuming risks you can’t afford to take.

Yes, you guessed it—I'm inviting you to join the Weekend Warriors Bootcamp.

This Bootcamp operates on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you WANT to achieve consistent 5 and 6 figure income without any prior experience, you need to act fast and act now.

Most people never encounter an opportunity like this, yet here you are, considering passing it up due to fear of the unknown or what "someone else might have said."

This Bootcamp isn't based on predictions or what-ifs; it's grounded in my REAL experiences and PROVEN results. I’ve laid out every single step I’ve taken to get to where I am today, and I’m handing you my work for a small one-time payment.

You don’t have to spend years struggling alone or wasting your hard-earned money on trial and error.

I’m providing you with EVERYTHING you need to go from zero contracts to understanding the entire process in 2 DAYS!

So, What's The Cost, For Something So Powerful?

The truth is, this Bootcamp could easily be valued at $55,000, because of the Systems, time, and hands-on training.

I've been advised COUNTLESS times to charge a recurring monthly fee of at least $500.

My colleagues often think I'm INSANE for offering it at such a low price.

But I'm not in it for the money.

I created this Bootcamp to help others who are going through the same struggles I faced just a couple years ago.

My goal is for this Bootcamp to be accessible, easy-to-follow, and completely LIFE-CHANGING for anyone who wants to get their hands on it.

That's why it's only...

Today, You Can Get It For

Just $3,497!

Picture winning contracts regularly and watch your bank account grow.

With more time, money, and energy, enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere.

Say goodbye to your draining 9-to-5 job and live the laptop lifestyle you've always wanted - travel the world or cherish quality time with family.

So, that leaves me with just one last question to ask you...

Are You Ready To Unlock My ULTIMATE Secret Success Formula To Win Government Contracts Without Experience?

Can’t make it to our Weekend Warrior Bootcamp? No worries!

While the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp offers an immersive, hands-on experience at $3497, we understand that not everyone can commit to the time or the investment right now. That’s why we’re excited to offer you an alternative that still delivers incredible value and comprehensive learning:

GovCon Navigator Essentials Course - Only $497

Get the same powerful insights and strategies at your own pace with our GovCon Navigator Essentials Course.

What You’ll Get with GovCon Navigator Essentials:

8 Comprehensive Modules:

  • Learn all the critical aspects of government contracting, from start to finish.
  • Each module is designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical steps to guide you through the contracting process.

Flexible Learning:

  • Access the Recorded Sessions anytime, anywhere. Learn at your own pace without the pressure of a fixed schedule.
  • Perfect for those with busy lifestyles or tight schedules.

Expert Guidance:

  • Benefit from expert instruction and insights, ensuring you have the support you need every step of the way.
  • Includes detailed videos, downloadable resources, and interactive exercises.

Exclusive Resources:

  • Access systems, checklists, and tools to help streamline your contracting efforts.
  • Stay organized and efficient with our proven systems.

Bonus: Dealmaker Call Journal

  • Keep track of your bid submissions and communications with subcontractors.
  • Stay on top of your contracting game with this essential tool.

Why Choose GovCon Navigator Essentials?

  • Cost-Effective Investment: Priced at only $497, it's a fraction of the expense compared to the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp, yet helps achieve the same goal..
  • Same High-Quality Content: Receive the same caliber of training and insights, just delivered in a format that suits your schedule and budget.
  • Lifetime Access: Revisit the material as often as you need to, ensuring you can stay updated and continue learning.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Invest in your future with the GovCon Navigator Essentials Course and start mastering government contracting today!

Don’t let scheduling conflicts or budget constraints hold you back. Take control of your learning and start your journey to success with GovCon Navigator Essentials.


What is the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp?

The Weekend Warrior Bootcamp is an intensive two-day training program designed to teach aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners the skills and strategies needed to succeed in government contracting. The bootcamp covers everything from finding solicitations and avoiding red flags to crafting winning bids and managing contracts effectively.

Who should attend the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp?

This bootcamp is ideal for anyone interested in government contracting, whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience but want to refine your skills. It’s perfect for entrepreneurs looking to start a new venture, small business owners wanting to expand into government contracts, or anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the contracting process.

What will I learn during the bootcamp?

Participants will learn:

Day 1: How to shop for solicitations, identify red flags, and prepare for subcontractor conversations.

Day 2: How to craft winning bids, establish a consistent bidding rhythm, and manage contracts effectively. You’ll also get a bonus session on customizing your CRM for efficient project management.

What materials and tools are included?

When you join the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp, you’ll receive:

• The exclusive DealMaker Call Journal to keep track of bids and subcontractor communications.

• Comprehensive training materials, including checklists and templates, to support your learning and implementation.

How do I register and what is the cost?

To register for the Weekend Warrior Bootcamp, simply fill out the registration form to be directed to our checkout page. The total cost for the bootcamp is $3,497. Be sure to use our special Friends and Family Discount Code: WARRIOR at checkout to receive an exclusive $500 off discount.

What's the difference between the Weekend Warrior and the Navigator Pro Package Virtual Workshop?

Weekend Warrior Bootcamp is perfect for those craving quick, hands-on learning with step-by-step guidance.

Navigator Pro Package Virtual Workshop is designed for individuals who value flexibility, offering a 4-week learning journey.